131 research outputs found

    Néphrectomie bilatérale de sauvetage compliquant une sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville

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    La sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville (STB) est une phacomatose autosomique dominante en rapport avec la mutation de deux gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs TSC1 et TSC2. L'atteinte cutanée et neurologique est constante, celle des reins ou de la rétine est fréquente. Une patiente âgée de 28 ans, suivie depuis l'enfance pour STB retenue devant l'association d'atteinte neurologique (tubers corticaux compliqués d'épilepsie), cutanée (tubers faciaux, tâches achromiques), hépatique, splénique et rénale (angiomyolipomes). La patiente fut admise aux urgences pour choc hémorragique objectivant à la TDM abdominale de volumineux angiomyolipomes rénaux bilatéraux spontanément hyperdenses évoquant un saignement intralésionel (A). Par ailleurs, on notait des angiomyolipomes hépatiques, un épanchement intrapéritonéal et une thrombose de la veine cave inférieure. Une embolisation de l'artère rénale était tentée sans succès (B). L'évolution était marquée par l'apparition d'un syndrome de compartiment avec une détresse respiratoire et hémodynamique ayant motivé une néphro-surrénalectomie bilatérale d'hémostase en urgence. Un traitement de suppléance de la fonction rénale est initié par hémodialyse dans l'attente d'une transplantation rénale, ainsi qu'une corticothérapie substitutive de la fonction surrénalienne. L'atteinte rénale doit être dépistée précocement et comprend des angiomyolipomes et/ou des kystes rénaux. La présence de plages de nécrose ou d'hémorragie doit faire éliminer un carcinome rénal. Les principaux diagnostics différentiels sont la neurofibromatose type 1 et 2 et la maladie de Von Hippel Lindau. Le pronostic dépend de la sévérité des symptômes et de leur évolution imprévisible. La recherche médicale est toujours d'actualité pour retarder au maximum la survenue de tumeurs

    MetOp Satellites Data Processing for Air Pollution Monitoring in Morocco

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    This paper presents a data processing system based on an architecture comprised of multiple stacked layers of computational processes that transforms Raw Binary Pollution Data coming directly from Two EUMETSAT MetOp satellites to our servers, into ready to interpret and visualise continuous data stream in near real time using techniques varying from task automation, data preprocessing and data analysis to machine learning using feedforward artificial neural networks. The proposed system handles the acquisition, cleaning, processing, normalizing, and predicting of Pollution Data in our area of interest of Morocco

    The formulation and implementation of policies to deal with groundwater overuse in Morocco: which supporting coalitions?

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    The Moroccan administration is showing increasing interest in designing policies to tackle groundwater overuse. In particular, it aims to set up aquifer management contracts for the main overused aquifers, which should bring together broad coalitions of actors around coordinated supply and demand policies. This article analyses to what extent the actors involved in groundwater use and management come together for the definition and implementation of policies to deal with groundwater overuse in four regions. A broad coalition has been built around the design of an aquifer management contract only in the Souss. Catchment management agencies and the Ministry of the Interior collaborate to control the drilling of boreholes in the Saiss, Souss and Berrchid regions. Large-scale farmers in the Souss support the Ministry of Agriculture in developing more water resources. Small-scale farmers were involved in none of these coalitions. The depth of the aquifer, the importance of the groundwater economy in each region, and the motivation and capacities of actors help explain the diversity in the coalitions that were created. While such elements help define the specific needs to support coalition building in each case, in all cases, particular human resources and skills will be needed to catalyse such coalitions, as will innovative ways to include small-scale farmers

    Sukuk: Literature Review

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    Abstract. At the heart of a global financial crisis triggered since 2008, Islamic finance has been seen as an alternative less affected by the global crisis to cover the financing and investment needs and bringing a new vision that involves sharing of losses and gains and thus prohibit the notion of the interest rate. With the emergence of the concept of Islamic finance a new market has emerged known as sukuk market where its last ones play the role of bonds. These financial instruments have been able, like conventional bonds, to constitute a reliable investment alternative for both companies and governments that want to conduct their business within a framework that respects the precepts of the Sharia. The purpose of this article is to understand the concept and the mechanism of these obligations and to present a review of the literature on sukuks.Keywords. Sukuk, Islamic Finance, Bonds, Financial Instruments.JEL. A10, H12

    AGEWEB : les agents personnels d'aide Ă  la recherche documentaire sur le Web

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    A Novel Hybrid Classification Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Text Document

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    Sentiment analysis is a more popular area of highly active research in Automatic Language Processing. She assigns a negative or positive polarity to one or more entities using different natural language processing tools and also predicted high and low performance of various sentiment classifiers. Our approach focuses on the analysis of feelings resulting from reviews of products using original text search techniques. These reviews can be classified as having a positive or negative feeling based on certain aspects in relation to a query based on terms. In this paper, we chose to use two automatic learning methods for classification: Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Random Forest, and we introduce a novel hybrid approach to identify product reviews offered by Amazon. This is useful for consumers who want to research the sentiment of products before purchase, or companies that want to monitor the public sentiment of their brands. The results summarize that the proposed method outperforms these individual classifiers in this amazon dataset

    Towards using CMU Sphinx Tools for the Holy Quran recitation verification

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    The use of the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology is being used is many different applications that help simplify the interaction with a wider range of devices. This paper investigates the use of a simplified set of phonemes in an ASR system applied to Holy Quran. The Carnegie Mellon University Sphinx 4 tools were used to train and evaluate an acoustic model on Holy Quran recitations that are widely available online. The building of the acoustic model was done using a simplified list of phonemes instead of the mainly used Romanized in order to simplify the process of training the acoustic model. In this paper, the experiment resulted in Word Error Rates (WER) as low as 1.5% even with a very small set of audio files to use in the training phase
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